Friday, March 20, 2020
List of Academic Geography Journals
List of Academic Geography Journals What follows is a listing of important academic journals devoted to geography. You should be able to find most in large academic (university) libraries at universities that include geography departments.Ã General U.S. Annals of the Association of American GeographersFocusGeographical ReviewJournal of GeographyLandscapeNational Geographic ResearchNational Geographic MagazineProfessional Geographer General International AreaAustralian GeographerAustralian Geographical StudiesCanadian GeographerCanadian GeographicGeoforumGeographicalGeographyGeographical Journal of RGSGeoJournalInstitute of British Geographers. TransactionsNew Zealand GeographerNew Zealand Journal of Geography Human Geography Economic GeographyEnvironment and Planning D: Society and SpaceGeografiska Annaler. Series B. Human GeographyJournal of Cultural GeographyJournal of Historical GeographyPolitical GeographyProgress in Human GeographyUrban Geography Human Geography Related Annals of Tourism ResearchAsian and Pacific Migration JournalDemographyEconomic Development and Cultural ChangeEkisticsHuman EcologyJournal of Regional ScienceJournal of the American Institute of PlannersLand EconomicsLandscape and Urban PlanningNationalities PapersPopulation and Development ReviewInternational Journal of Population GeographyInternational Migration ReviewPlanningRegional Science and Urban EconomicsRegional StudiesSocial Science and Medicine D: Medical GeographyUrban Affairs QuarterlyUrban AnthropologyUrban Studies Physical Geography Atmosphere-OceanBoundary-Layer MeteorologyBulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyEarth Surface Processes and LandformsGeografiska Annaler. Series A. Physical GeographyJournal of the Atmospheric SciencesJournal of BiogeographyJournal of ClimateJournal of Climate and Applied MeteorologyJournal of HydrologyMeteorology and Atmospheric PhysicsMeteorological MagazineMonthly Weather ReviewPhysical GeographyProgress in Physical GeographyQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological SocietyTheoretical and Applied ClimatologyWeatherWeatherwiseWorld Meteorology Organization BulletinZeitschrift fur GeomorphologieZeitschrift fur Meteorologie Physical Geography Related Advances in HydroscienceBiological ConservationBulletin of the Geological Society of AmericaCanadian Journal of the Earth SciencesCatenaEarth ScienceEarth Science ReviewsThe EcologistEcologyEnvironmentEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental PollutionInternational Journal of Environmental StudiesJournal of GlaciologyJournal of Sedimentary PetrologyMazingiraQuarternary ResearchWater Resources BulletinWater Resources ResearchJournal of Soil and Water ConservationJournal of the Soil Science Society of AmericaRestoration EcologyWild Earth Other - Technique/Approach AntipodeApplied GeographyCartographic JournalCartographicaCartographyCartography and Geographic Information SystemsGeographical AnalysisGeoworldImago MundiITC JournalPhotogrammetric Engineering and Remote SensingWorld Cartography Region-Based Annals of Arid ZonesArcticArctic and Alpine ResearchAustralian Meteorology MagazineChina GeographerGeographica PolanicaPolar RecordPost-Soviet Geography
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
How to Stay Calm During Finals Week
How to Stay Calm During Finals Week While college stress is constant throughout the semester, college stress during finals week takes it to a whole new level. These six easy ways to rest and relax during finals week can help you make it through the madness. Remove Yourself From theà Stress Get time away/alone. Chances are, everyone you know at school is stressed during finals week, too. Take a few minutes to take a walk off-campus, treat yourself to a coffee in a place not full of stressed students, or find some other way/place that you can get yourself out of the finals-week environment, if even just for a few minutes. Unplug and Reboot Before Exams Spend 3-5 minutes not doing anything. This is often more challenging than it sounds. But take a few minutes to turn off all of your technology and sit and relax- even meditate, if you can. Those few minutes can calm your mind and your spirit while helping youà refocus and recharge. Have Some Fun Spend 15-20 minutes doing something purely for fun. The break for your brain will do wonders for its productivity later. Watch silly YouTube videos, read a trashy magazine, play a video game, or Skype with a friend far away. Hit the Gym Get some exercise in a low-stress situation. Translation: practice with your basketball team doesnt count. Go for a relaxing walk, ride your bike without knowing where youll end up, or go for a quick jog. And if its too cold outside, try something new in the gym. You might be surprised by how relaxed- and energized!- you feel afterward. Watch the Game Attend a sporting event.à If youre studying for finals at the end of the fall semester, chances are you can attend a football or basketball game during finals week. Leave your books in your room and really let yourself relax and enjoy, knowing that the time spent away will help your studying later. Get Things out of Your Brain and Onto Paper Make a list- and write down everything. For some people, making a list can really help reduce stress because it helps put things in perspective. The best way to get things organizedà and to get a feeling of satisfaction is to write down every single thing you need to do- like eating breakfast/lunch/dinner, doing laundry, getting some sleep, and going to class. Getting things written down- and then crossed off- can do wonders for your sense of control and accomplishment during a very busy time.
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